So you’ve signed up for the awesome challenge of Coast to Coast. Sweet! If you’re new to this race, you will probably find yourself asking lots of questions. You’re probably nervous about the kayak leg on the Waimak River. What boat should you buy? How do you learn the skill of being a good paddler?
Our club can provide you with the support and expertise you need so you are prepared to tackle the Coast to Coast with confidence. Our members have a wealth of experience in not just kayaking skills and technique, but in multisport racing. Join other Coast to Coast participants as you learn new skills, grow your ability, and get Coast to Coast ready. We provide a pathway to obtaining your compulsory Grade 2 cert (via SNM). WCMC also owns a range of multisport kayaks that are free for Club Members to use at the club’s facilities - from beginner through to advanced – an invaluable tool in helping you find your ideal kayak.
We hold workshops to go over all aspects of the race, where you can learn from those who have done it, and get answers to your questions. Final dates TBD (Keep an eye on our Facebook page for exact dates).
May/June #1 Basic introduction, what your Coast to Coast journey will involve, milestones, aims. We want to make sure you get there, and are ready!
July/August #2 Getting down to race specifics, the course, the gear, nutrition, and so forth.
Jun/July - Paddling technique workshop.
Waitemata Canoe and Multisport Club work with their partners at Social Nature Movement to bring multisport kayaking to club members. SNM offers all club members 10% off their services.
Grade 2 Certificate.
SNM offers Beginner to Intermediate paddlers a logical and structured progression plan toward achieving their grade 2 certificate and participating in the Coast to Coast race. Book your Grade 2 coursehere.
Pre-river training in Auckland
SNM offers 'moving-water-workshops' that simulate river environments without their seriousness or need for long travel and logistics. These sessions cover most basic components of the grade 2 kayak certificate that build confidence. Book here.
Experience For Waimak
We begin your river paddling journey by learning on tidal water in the Auckland area. We have identified locations where moving tidal water creates moderate river conditions, with fast moving water and eddies. We start with the easy spots, and then move to some slightly more challenging locations. This is ideal for getting used to what you will experience on the Waimak, in a multisport boat, in your own backyard.
In spring, members usually start heading down to rivers in the central North Island to get some true river experience. A popular option is the Mohaka River, but some members will often head down to other rivers such as the Rangtikei.